Web & Email Hosting
Web Hosting
Power your Web site with the powerful performance of our Windows 2000 hosting. Our reliable platform gives you access to database development tools such as Active Server Pages (ASP), ASP.NET, MS Access, SQL Server 2000, and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) support for other databases. We also provide FrontPage 2002 extensions for connectivity when necessary.
All this makes Windows 2000 Hosting perfect for any company needing reliability, scalability and back-end support for today’s high-performance Web sites.
Our Windows 2000 hosting plan is on a Microsoft IIS 5.0 platform for 49% greater download speeds than the IIS 4.0 platform.
Windows 2000
Option 1: Monthly Payments = $35 Per Month
Option 2: Pre-Pay for Full Year = $30 Per Month ($360 Yearly)**
Setup Fee: $50
- ODBC data sources (MS Access / MS FoxPro)
- 200 MB of Disk Space
- Active Server Pages
- 10 GB Data Transfer
- MS FrontPage 2002 Extensions
- 30 POP3 eMails
- SSL Encryption*
* Customers must purchase their own SSL Certificate
** Reflects average monthly price for first year with annual prepayment option. Pay for one year in advance and receive the first month free!
Email Hosting
Hardwyre’s Email Hosting solution allows you to focus on your business rather than worry about your email system. We provide a complete, reliable email solution for just pennies a day. We keep your team synched wherever they are without expensive upgrades or complex software management requirements. Email Hosting provides you the flexibility to either access your accounts through Web Mail or the email application you’re already familiar with. With 100 MB mailboxes per user and POP service, your team stays synched with their email at the office, at home and with their laptop – no more worrying if their most recent email is with them.
Spam Protection
Businesses are losing tens of billions of dollars each year to lost productivity and data corruption from email viruses and spam. Hardwyre’s Email Hosting solution includes total protection for each and every mailbox. This consists of our customizable spam filters, and up-to-date virus protection from Symantec, shielding your business from harmful and costly computer viruses.
Save Time and Money
Providing full-featured email to your team is expensive to do on your own. Server, software, backups, bandwidth, virus and spam solutions typically require thousands of dollars in investment and ongoing support costs.
Hardwyre’s Email Hosting provides each of your users 100 MB of storage with Total Protection. That’s support for your business at less than $4 per user per month, even less if you sign up for a full year. Email Hosting is available for $19.99 a month for 5 users, and additional mailboxes are available for $19.99 a month per 5 users. Please contact us directly at 501.851.2880 for volume discounts or billing options.