Microsoft Exchange

Hardwyre specializes in the implementation and support of Exchange Server 2007 to solve the Email hosting needs of small- to medium-sized businesses in all industries throughout Arkansas.

Hardwyre’s Managed Services for Microsoft Exchange 2007 provides secure email, calendaring and task management, plus group scheduling, web access and information management support services. We deliver a complete, full-featured, long-term outsourced solution – from design and implementation to maintenance – that helps you stay connected to clients, partners, suppliers and employees anytime, anywhere.

Our Managed Services for Microsoft Exchange 2007 comes with everything you need for a turnkey mailbox operation and Web application platform:

Behind it all, our team of Microsoft Exchange 2007 experts are ready to help you optimize, manage and integrate all your services – improving your ability to get things done. Our implementation and ongoing support of Exchange Server 2007 result in improved email security, remote access to email and improved work efficiency at an affordable price.

To learn more about how Hardwyre can help your business stay connected to clients, partners and employees through Microsoft Exchange 2007, call us today at 501.851.2880.