Microsoft Windows Update

Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0 (WSUS 3.0) enables information technology administrators to deploy the latest Microsoft product updates to computers running Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2, and Windows 2000 with Service Pack 4 operating systems. By having Hardwyre install and support WSUS 3.0, administrators can fully manage updates released through Microsoft Update to computers in their network.

Our implementation and support of WSUS 3.0 result in improved desktop and network performance and enterprise-level service at an affordable price. Through these capabilities our customers can enjoy the following benefits:

Our team of Windows experts is ready to help you optimize, manage and integrate all your services – improving your ability to consistently and efficiently manage all Windows updates across an organization.

To learn more about how Hardwyre can help your business deploy Microsoft updates though WSUS 3.0, call us today at 501.851.2880.